Sunday, March 9, 2014

Unfairism or Racism?

As I was reading articles on racial stereotypes, I came across a quote from Junot Diaz who said, "Stereotypes, they're sensual, cultural weapons. That's the way that we attack people. At an artistic level, stereotypes are terrible writing." Racial stereotypes, whether harmful or hurtful, tend to be based on a lot of truth. They exist because people still perpetuate them. I believe it is wrong to racially stereotype in anything especially advertising. It gives people the wrong impression. Why focus on one main characteristic, when we can learn about other factors in a certain culture? The problem with racial stereotypes is that people like to generalize instead of accepting that one person's mistake is not a representation of a whole race.

I feel like there is some racism in advertising, but it has reduced over the years. More ads have been using Hispanic and Asian models, but not so much African Americans. I don't think advertisers intentionally create racism in ads. They have to avoid complaints, but they can't please everyone. And advertisers do have ethical responsibilities and guidelines in place for them to follow. They want to be nice to everyone because they want to sell their product and make it successful.

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