Monday, January 27, 2014


(advertising + creativity) 

When some people think of advertising, they think of T.V. commercials, billboards, newspaper ads, magazines, etc. In my opinion, advertising is much more than that; it's using your creativity and imagination to have people remember your product or service. It's the magic behind advertising that fascinates me so much. I'm not talking about those funny and entertaining commercials that introduce a terrible or useless product. It's all about those commercials that have meaning behind it. The commercials that make you think "Wow! I really should check this product out," are the ones that really understand what advertising is all about. Usually when I'm watching my favorite T.V. show, I mute the T.V. when I'm interrupted by commercials. Unless my eye catches something interesting, I am completely focused on the commercial and I forget what I was watching.

This Apple commercial brought tears to my eyes and I enjoyed it very much:

Commercials similar to this excites me. Apple products might be overrated and expensive, but their great inventions create such interesting an unique commercials.

As much as I dislike car commercials, this Honda commercial did a remake of the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off and had Matthew Broderick (the main character) act in the commercial. Since this is my favorite movie, this commercial became one of my favorites:
Car commercials are not that interesting to watch, but when you see a classic movie remade into a commercial 10 years later, everyone suddenly becomes intrigued.

Creativity, originality, and uniqueness in any kind of advertising is what I enjoy to see. I'm looking forward to this semester in ADV91 and experience the world of advertising.

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