Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Commercial Bowl 2014

I am not a huge fan of football, but when it comes to the Superbowl, I only watch it for the commercials. And during this year's Superbowl, the commercials weren't the best; however, it was way more exciting than the game. Like I mentioned before, I always look for creativity or meaning in a commercial. A commercial that really grasps my attention is always important. The Budweiser commercial with the puppy and the horse was adorable and I couldn't help but to watch it 100 times more.
I immediately loved the commercial instantly when I saw the cute little golden retriever puppies. And the whole story was unique and creative, especially for advertising beer! I actually had no clue as to what this commercial was going to be about. The song also really intrigued me since it was one of my favorite songs (Let Her Go - Passenger). The moving song, the cutesy-ness with the puppy and the horse, really made me tear up. However, when I found out it was for Budweiser, I was a little disappointed. I mean, using cute animals and a great song to advertise an alcoholic drink? Come on now. Then again, it was creative and I didn't expect it to be a commercial for beer. So, well done Budweiser!

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