Tuesday, February 18, 2014


On Monday, we learned about using semiotics while observing and analyzing different kinds of advertisements. I, for one, had no idea what semiotics even meant at the beginning of class, but it's simple. Semiotics are used to help enable us to make sense of visual imagery and associated advertising messages. Here are some examples of semiotic analysis.

A print add for the lollipop Chupa Chups. Here we have a lollipop on the ground (looks like it was dropped on the ground). Usually when we see some sort of candy on the floor, it attracts ants because ants love sugar. In the picture, the ants are avoiding the lollipop on the ground. Why? To show that this lollipop is sugar free. And since the lollipop is sugar free, it won't attract ants! I thought this was a clever print advertisement.

Next we have a billboard advertisement from McDonald's. Here we have the infamous red and yellow colors. Anyone who looks at this ad will automatically know what brand it is. The golden arches says it all! No words on this billboard except for measurements and arrows pointing to the nearest McDonald's location. The billboard pretty much says "Hey if you're hungry McDonald's is 200 meters away!" And if you move three more meters to the right, "Only 197 meters to go...." The billboard is persuading to go to McDonald's by using measurements! If I saw this ad, I would probably consider going there because of the taunting messages.

And lastly, we have this Coca Cola T.V. commercial. It shows a married couple having a baby and showing a Coca Cola bottle in a few scenes. This commercial perfectly captures what it's like being a parent and having Coca Cola by their side. From the pregnancy test to their baby growing up and to having another baby, the Coca Cola bottle always appeared to assure you that it will be their through the ups and the downs. Very cute and somewhat emotional commercial.

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