Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sirs & Hers

For an online workshop, my group and I discussed three different gender stereotypical ads. The first ad is stereotyping women by saying that woman are weak. In the print ad, the Alco HyTop bottle cap is easy to open that a woman doesn't need to use a bottle opener, knife, or even a strong male to help her open the bottle. The woman in the picture is holding the bottle and she looks surprised that she (a woman) can open it.

The second ad is a commercial that shows a little girl playing "wife" in a playhouse and doing what normal housewives are doing (cooking, cleaning, baking, taking care of baby, etc.) Being a housewife is fine, but the problem is that the media is telling little girls that a housewife is a women's role in society, which is not true. The media should be telling girls at a young age that they can be anything they want to be when they're older. It also gives the impression to little boys that girls will be housewives when they're older, when men can also be the "housewife."  

And lastly, the third ad is another commercial that shows group of women having a picnic while drinking diet Coke. They spot a man mowing the lawn and one of the girls rolls the diet Coke to him down the hill. The girls tell him to drink it and he opens the coke and it sprays all over him. The girls start laughing and he takes his shirt off (in a sexy way) and the girls are staring as if they're in love with him. If the roles were switched and there were a group of men staring at a sexy woman, it would be wrong. Men can walk around with their shirts off and that's okay, but if a woman were to do that, she could be deemed a "slut" for being so provocative.  


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