Saturday, February 8, 2014

Who's The Boss?

Everyone knows this famous logo, right? Lay's potato chips: one of the most recognizable chip brand in the world. Lay's are great for any event: Superbowl, birthday parties, get-togethers, and etc. But what most people don't know is that PepsiCo is the owner of Lay's or Frito-Lay. During ADV91 on Wednesday, we did a brand mapping exercise by choosing a popular brand and determining who's the boss, the fighter, and the rest. My group and I chose Lay's and we did some research to find out that PepsiCo owns most of the popular chip brands including Lay's, Doritos, SunChips, Cheetos, and Rold Gold preztles. So, all of these chip brands are under the same owner. So if PepsiCo owns all the chip brands, what does the Coca-Cola company own? The answer: Odwalla, Simply Orange, Vitamin Water, Dasani, and other popular drinks. PepsiCo owns snacks and chips while Coca-Cola owns other drinks. Sounds like a huge competition to me. At first, we thought that Lay's and Doritos were competing against eachother, which they are; however, both companies are owned by the same company. It's really back to PepsiCo and Coca-Cola being huge competitors. Coca-Cola has familiarity and has been there since the beginning, whereas PepsiCo is the "new generation" and pretty much says "Let go of the old and stick with the new." So, what would you choose, Classic or New?

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